Screening of patients before treatment of TMS consists of several steps:
1. Check to see if the patient has had the required prior workup:
CT, MRI, Neurology consult and/or Orthopedic consult certifying that there are no malignant processes (cancer) or other serious or life-threatening diseases that needed to be treated (if your TMS symptoms are primarily physical).
2. Check to see if the patient has the common TMS personality traits:
Perfectionism - do you carefully organize your closets or desk or do others believe that you do?
Goodism - do you like to do good for others? Do you seek the approval of others?
Unhappy childhood - strict parents or picked on by the other kids?
Strong life stressors - are you under a lot of stress?
Do you have a fear of aging or mortality if your symptoms began later in life.
3. Check the patient for openness to TMS therapy:
Are you willing to accept that something other than a physical problem may be the cause your TMS symptoms?
Could you accept that underlying emotions may be contributing to your physical pain?